Ni(II) Protoporphyrin IX

Catalog#: P40192; CAS Number: 15415-30-2


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Ni(II) Protoporphyrin IX CAS: 15415-30-2 MDL:


Molecular weight: 619.336 g/mol

Molecular Formula: C34H32N4NiO4

CAS Number: 15415-30-2

Storage: Store at room temperature, protect from light.

Synonyms: 2,18-Bis(2-carboxyéthyl)-3,8,13,17-tétraméthyl-7,12-divinylporphine-21,23-diide de nickel(2+), Nickel(2+) 2,18-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-3,8,13,17-tetramethyl-7,12-divinylporphine-21,23-diide, Nickel(2+)-2,18-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-3,8,13,17-tetramethyl-7,12-divinylporphin-21,23-diid, 15415-30-2, nickel(II) protoporphyrin IX, Nickelate(2-), (7,12-diethenyl-3,8,13,17-tetramethyl-21H,23H-porphine-2,18-dipropanoato(4-)-N21,N22,N23,N24)-, dihydrogen, (SP-4-2)-, Ni-PPIX, PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING NI(II), Protoporphyrin Ix With Ni(Ii)

Fields of Interest: Natural Porphyrins, Heme Oxygenase, Modified Electrodes, Chemically Modifed Hemoglobins

Background: Ni(II) Protoporphyrin IX is a natural porphyrin derivative specialty chemical manufactured by Frontier Specialty Chemicals. Ni(II) Protoporphyrin IX is used for the synthesis of nickel reconstituted metalloproteins.1 Ni(II) Protoporphyrin IX modified electrodes have been studied for electroanalytical applications.2-4


1.) Shibayama, et al. Properties of chemically modified Ni(II) Fe(II) hybrid hemoglobins: Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX as a model for a permanent deoxy-heme. Journal of Molecular Biology. Volume 192, Issue 2, 20 November 1986, Pages 331-336.

2.) Carballo, et al. (2007) Poly[Ni(II)Protoporphyrin IX] Modified Electrode for Amperometric Detection of Acetylcholine (Ach) and Choline (Ch), Analytical Letters, 40:10, 1962-1971, DOI: 10.1080/00032710701484343

3.) Carballo, et al. A carbon nanotube/poly [Ni-(Protoporphyrin IX)] composite for amperometric detection of long chain aliphatic amines. Bioelectrochemistry. Volume 104, August 2015, Pages 51-57.

4.) Carballo, et al. Approach for Modulation of the Permselective Properties of Ni(II) Porphyrin Polymers. Electroanalysis. Volume 29, Issue 4, April 2017, Pages 1161-1165.




Natural Porphyrins & Derivatives



Purity %



Not Applicable

Molecular Weight


Molecular Formula


Porphyrin Family

Metallo Porphyrins, Protoporphyrin Derivatives

Porphyrin Substitution

Alkyl Substituted Porphyrins, Beta Substituted Porphyrins, Carboxy Substituted Porphyrins

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