Cu(II) Pyropheophorbide a

41184 Safety Data Sheet Product Number: 41184; CAS Number: 223258-44-4

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Cu(II) Pyropheophorbide a CAS: 223258-44-4 MDL:

41184 Safety Data Sheet

Molecular weight: 596.18 g/mol

Molecular Formula: C33H32CuN4O3

CAS Number: 223258-44-4

Storage: Store at room temperature, protect from light

Synonyms: Cu(II) Pyropheophorbide a, 223258-44-4

Field of Interest: Copper Chlorophyllins, Olive Oil Additives 

Background: Cu(II) Pyropheophorbide a is a natural porphyrin derivative specialty chemical manufactured by Frontier Specialty Chemicals. Cu(II) Pyropheophorbide a is a component of copper chlorophyllin, a common food colorant and supplement.


1.) Ferruzzi, et al. Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin:  In Vitro Digestive Stability and Accumulation by Caco-2 Human Intestinal Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002, 50, 7, 2173–2179.

2.) Ferruzzi, et al. Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Activity of Dietary Chlorophyll Derivatives Determined by Radical Scavenging and Bacterial Reverse Mutagenesis Assays. Journal of Food Science. Volume 67, Issue 7, September 2002, Pages 2589-2595.

3.) Gandul-Rojas, et al. Pigment changes during preservation of green table olive specialities treated with alkali and without fermentation: Effect of thermal treatments and storage conditions. Food Research International. Volume 108, June 2018, Pages 57-67.

4.) Aparicio-Ruiz, et al. Identification and Quantification of Metallo–Chlorophyll Complexes in Bright Green Table Olives by High-Performance Liquid Chromatrography–Mass Spectrometry Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2011, 59, 20, 11100–11108.

5.) Delpino-Ruis, et al. A fast and reliable ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography method to assess the fate of chlorophylls in teas and processed vegetable foodstuff. Journal of Chromatography A. Volume 1568, 21 September 2018, Pages 69-79.

6.) Mathiyalagan, et al. Determination of synthetic and natural colorants in selected green colored foodstuffs through reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography. Food Chemistry. Volume 278, 25 April 2019, Pages 381-387.


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