Cu(II) Chlorin e4 Disodium Salt

Catalog#: 41037

41037 Safety Data Sheet

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Cu(II) Chlorin e4 Disodium Salt CAS: 863225-85-8 MDL: MFCD27981356

Molecular weight: 658.2 g/mol

Molecular Formula: C33H32CuN4O4.2Na

CAS Number: 863225-85-8

Storage: Store at room temperature, protect from light

Synonyms: Cu(II) Chlorin e4 Disodium Salt, 863225-85-8, MFCD27981356

Field of Interest: Olive Oil Additives, Copper Chlorophyllin, 

Background: Cu(II) Chlorin e4 Disodium Salt is a naturally derived porphyrin specialty chemical manufactured by Frontier Specialty Chemicals.

Please note: Copper chlorophyllin is a complex mixture of chlorophyll derived compounds containing the sodium salts of Cu(II) Chlorin e4, Cu(II) chlorin e6 and many additional compounds.1-4 This product is sold as purified Cu (II) chlorin e4 and is not a mixture of compounds.


1.) Wood, et al. 3 – E141: Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins. Analytical Methods for Food Additives Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. 2004, Pages 24-26.

2.) Viera, et al. Green Natural Colorants. Molecules 2019, 24(1), 154;

3.) Mortensen, et al. HPLC–MS analysis of the green food colorant sodium copper chlorophyllin. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies.Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2007, Pages 419-425.

4.) Harp, et al. Quantitation of copper chlorophylls in green table olives by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. Volume 1620, 7 June 2020, 461008.

41037 Safety Data Sheet




Natural Porphyrins & Derivatives



Purity %



Not Applicable

Molecular Weight


Molecular Formula



Copper Porphyrins

Porphyrin Family

Chlorophyll Derivatives, Metallo Porphyrins

Porphyrin Substitution

Alkyl Substituted Porphyrins, Beta Substituted Porphyrins, Carboxy Substituted Porphyrins

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