Chlorin e6 trisodium salt

Catalog#: C12334; CAS Number: 72984-36-2

Chlorin e6 trisodium salt Technical Data Sheet


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Chlorin e6 trisodium salt CAS: 72984-36-2 MDL:

Molecular weight: 665.65 g/mol

Molecular Formula: C34H33N4Na3O6

CAS Number: 72984-36-2

Storage: Store at room temperature, protect from light.

Synonyms:   21H,23H-Porphine-7-propanoic acid, 3-carboxy-5-(carboxymethyl)-13-ethenyl-18-ethyl-7,8-dihydro-2,8,12,17-tetramethyl-, sodium salt (1:3), (7S,8S)-, EPA Registry Name: 21H,23H-Porphine-7-propanoic acid, 3-carboxy-5-(carboxymethyl)-13-ethenyl-18-ethyl-7,8-dihydro-2,8,12,17-tetramethyl-, trisodium salt, (7S,8S)-, (2S,3S)-3-(2-Carboxylatoéthyl)-5-(carboxylatométhyl)-12-éthyl-2,8,13,18-tétraméthyl-17-vinyl-2H,3H-porphine-7-carboxylate de trisodium, 277-169-4, 2H,3H-Porphine-2-propanoic acid, 18-carboxy-20-(carboxymethyl)-8-ethenyl-13-ethyl-3,7,12,17-tetramethyl-, sodium salt, (2S,3S)- (1:3), 72984-36-2, Trinatrium-(2S,3S)-3-(2-carboxylatoethyl)-5-(carboxylatomethyl)-12-ethyl-2,8,13,18-tetramethyl-17-vinyl-2H,3H-porphin-7-carboxylat, Trisodium (2S,3S)-3-(2-carboxylatoethyl)-5-(carboxylatomethyl)-12-ethyl-2,8,13,18-tetramethyl-17-vinyl-2H,3H-porphine-7-carboxylate, trisodium (2S-trans)-18-carboxylato-20-(carboxylatomethyl)-13-ethyl-2,3-dihydro-3,7,12,17-tetramethyl-8-vinyl-21H,23H-porphine-2-propionate, Phytochlorin trisodium

Uses: Photosynthesis, Photodynamic Therapy, Photovoltaics, Solar Cells


Chlorin e6, trisodium salt, is a natural product derived from plants and algae, and has numerous uses in photodynamic therapy, interactions in the proteome, and has been used in solar cell construction. 1-5


 1.) Bio-photovoltaic conversion device using chlorine-e6 derived from chlorophyll from Spirulina adsorbed on a nanocrystalline TiO2 film electrode, Amao, Yutaka; Komori, Tasuku, Biosensors & Bioelectronics (2004), 19(8), 843-847DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2003.08.003

2.) Human serum albumin complexes with chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, Ouameur, A. Ahmed; Marty, R.; Tajmir-Riahi, H. A., Biopolymers (2005), 77(3), 129-136. DOI:10.1002/bip.20173

3.) Determination of critical concentrations by synchronous fluorescence spectrometry, Yu, Daoyong; Huang, Fang; Xu, Hai, Analytical Methods (2012), 4(1), 47-49. DOI:10.1039/C1AY05495C

4.) Photodynamic effect of novel chlorin e6 derivatives on a single nerve cell, Uzdensky, A. B.; Dergacheva, O. Y.; Zhavoronkova, A. A.; Reshetnikov, A. V.; Ponomarev, G. V., Life Sciences (2004), 74(17), 2185-2197. DOI:10.1016/j.lfs.2003.09.053

5.) Natural chlorophyll-related porphyrins and chlorins for dye-sensitized solar cells, Wang, Xiao-Feng; Kitao, Osamu, Molecules (2012), 17, 4484-4497, DOI:10.3390/molecules17044484





Natural Porphyrins & Derivatives



Purity %




Molecular Weight


Molecular Formula


Porphyrin Family

Chlorophyll Derivatives, Free Base Porphyrins

Porphyrin Substitution

Alkyl Substituted Porphyrins, Beta Substituted Porphyrins, Carboxy Substituted Porphyrins

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